Brittany leads the Utah/Idaho Middle Market Commercial Banking team for JP Morgan Chase. Brittany has held numerous roles at National, Regional and Local levels over a 22 year career with Chase and predecessors. Born and raised in Salt Lake, she graduated with her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Westminster College. Brittany is an active member in the Utah community. She served on the Board for the Women’s Business Center of Utah for over 10 years and was Chair from 2017-2019. She Chaired the UBA’s Women in Banking Conference in 2020 and served 6 years on the Board of Directors for the South Valley Chamber. She is currently an Executive Committee Board Member for the Utah Bankers Association and active on the Salt Lake Chamber Board of Governors. When she isn’t working or serving the community, she enjoys spending time with her large blended family, running, exercising, and traveling.
On November 19, the Salt Lake Chamber will recognize Brittany Westover as a 2021 Pathfinder Award recipient at the Women & Business Conference and ATHENA Awards Luncheon. This award is given to community leaders who “create new paths” and promote the development and recognition of women in business.
We asked her a handful of questions to get to know her a little better:
- What are you passionate about? I am passionate about my family, community, and my team. I enjoy supporting the companies and entrepreneurs my team works with throughout Utah. I love serving on community boards and forging relationships with other business leaders to support local initiatives. And I am passionate about creating an environment that will allow my children and their children in the future to thrive in this state I have called home my entire life.
- Why is it important to be active in the Utah community and how have those opportunities impacted you and the others you work with? Community engagement is important to connect government organizations, public decision-making entities, and our communities all together. As I have served in volunteer programs, on boards, and at other events, I always learn from others perspectives. This helps create diverse understanding and always broadens my views. I always feel I receive more out of the time I put into these programs than what they receive from me.
- What is your most rewarding professional experience? My most rewarding experience was also one of the most challenging. I started managing my team in March of 2020, and little did I know that I was starting right as the pandemic was kicking off. I am proud of the long hours my team and I put in during the shut-down and since. We supported each other and our clients through many months of work from home and processing an incredible volume of PPP applications. It was an extraordinary time, and I was moved and inspired by clients, community members, my team and company.
- What does your organization do to support women in business? JP Morgan Chase is very active in supporting communities and particularly women in business. Our company has been a sponsor and grantor to the Women’s Business Center of Utah for over 20 years with invested dollars and time from our employees serving on the Board.
- What do you see as the biggest challenge women face in business today? How do you think it can be overcome? I remember reading an article about this a few years ago. A couple of things stood out to me, social expectations and balancing that responsibility, insufficient support systems, and funding opportunities. I think we can continue to talk about these things and raise awareness. As we continue to voice concerns within organizations and the community more people hear the message and take action. We can also support organizations like the Women’s Business Center, who directly impact women each and every day.
- What does having grit and grace mean to you? Being your genuine self and owning it with a humble confidence. Also, to not be afraid to make mistakes and to learn every day.
- What advice would you give to aspiring women leaders? Find what makes you happy and do it regularly. For me it is exercising daily. I schedule it as a priority for myself and that helps me be a better leader, mother and person. Other advice… take risks. Getting comfortable with uncomfortable growth is a good thing albeit scary. Show initiative, raise your hand, and always challenge yourself to do better and learn.