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Advocacy & Initiatives

As the Salt Lake Chamber is first and foremost an advocacy organization, we direct many of our resources into our advocacy for business at the federal, state and local levels, as we work with our legislature, governor, mayors, city councils and congressional delegation. This happens in several ways, such as convening business roundtable discussions to hear from members as to what is necessary to create a strong economy and prosperous community.

Federal Priorities

The Salt Lake Chamber’s Federal Priorities guide our legislative work at the federal level.


The Salt Lake Chamber’s Public Policy Guide serves as our agenda for Legislative Session. 


The Salt Lake Chamber’s Legislative Scorecard is a reflection of the most recent Legislative Session. 


During Utah’s General Legislative Session, the Salt Lake Chamber’s policy team tracks relevant bills by subject so you can stay up to date on legislation that impacts you and your business. We encourage you to visit our online legislative watchlist to find bills relevant to you and your organization.


The Salt Lake Chamber’s Public Policy Committees are specialized groups dedicated to examining and shaping public policy issues in various sectors. These committees provide recommendations and insights to influence legislative decisions and foster a pro-business climate in Utah.


The Salt Lake Chamber drives business-led initiatives on a variety of key issues, from transportation and housing affordability to air quality and water conservation. Business leaders across the state gather to contribute their ideas that advance public dialogue on these areas. 

The Salt Lake Chamber has been more valuable than I ever expected. In addition to networking, they are a resource for business decisions, and local and national public policy review. They offer educational opportunities for everyone within the company, and have become our trusted advisors

Natalie Kaddas, President & CEO, Kaddas Enterprises