Below you will find the watchlist for all the bills that the Salt Lake Chamber is tracking during the 2024 Legislative Session. The list may be sorted by column or category.
The Chamber takes the following range of positions on bills:
Bill Number | Bill Title | Sponsor | Summary | Position | Status | Legislative Priority Area |
HB 014 | Emergency Services Personnel Amendments | Rep. Norm Thurston Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Allows a licensed EMT or paramedic to provide non-emergency services subject to their training and licensure in a setting that employs a medical director, has established processes for 911 emergency services initiation and does not purport to be an alternative to 911 emergency response. | Monitor | In the Senate | Healthcare & Life Sciences |
HB 018 | Petroleum Storage Tank Amendments | Rep. Steve Eliason | Cleans up references to petroleum storage tanks that are already subject to permitting processes. Increases the cap on the Petroleum Storage Tank Restricted Account from $50M to $60M and proposes a floor of $20M that would automatically increase the environmental assurance fees from 1/4 cent to 13/20 cent. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Taxes |
HB 024 | Limitations on Liability Amendments | Rep. Nelson Abbott | Updates parameters on which liability is limited for employers who hire individuals with prior convictions or adjudications. A cause of action may be brought against an employer if their employee with a prior conviction or adjudication committed an offense related to their conviction or adjudication in the course of their employment. | Monitor | In Committee | Workforce |
HB 037 | Utah Housing Amendments | Rep. Jim Dunnigan | Allows counties and municipalities to implement a density overlay to allow for increased and diverse housing options in a residentially zoned area. Allows deed restrictions in a density overlay if the residentially zoned area is still undeveloped. Also requires moderate income housing reports to include whether they used a density overlay, a five-year projection for housing demand, and the quantity of undeveloped land that is entitled or approved for housing in the specified county or municipality. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 038 | Criminal Offense Modifications | Rep. Ryan Wilcox | Addresses various criminal offense and penalty statutes. Enhances penalties for actors who are convicted of similar theft crimes--including retail theft--in other jurisdictions. | Monitor | Introduced | Public Safety |
HB 050 | Occupational Safety and Health Amendments | Rep. Jim Dunnigan | Increases the state OSHA fines for various violations and citations and repeated offenses. | Monitor | Introduced | Regulatory |
HB 052 | Health Insurance Modifications | Rep. Candice Pierucci | Requires any cost paid toward a patient's healthcare service (including drugs) to apply to their cost-sharing requirement, including pharmaceutical and manufacturer's coupons. The cost paid on behalf of the patient would not apply if the coupon is for a drug with a generic equivalent that a medical provider deems an appropriate form of treatment. | Concern | Introduced | Healthcare & Life Sciences |
HB 061 | Tax Withholding Amendments | Rep. Bridger Bolinder Sen. Dan McCay | Aligns the mineral production tax percentage to align with the income tax rate in statute. The bill also outlines penalties and fines for not filing a withholding return on time or correctly. | Monitor | Introduced | Natural Resources Rev & Tax |
HB 072 | Electricity Rate Amendments | Rep. Carl Albrecht | Prohibits an energy balancing account to be used by any electrical corporation. Directs the Public Service Commission to only consider the interests of Utah ratepayers when deciding on a rate case and prohibits recovery of costs from Utah ratepayers for programs, facilities, or investments that benefit other states. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Energy |
HB 085 | Environmental Permitting Modifications | Rep. Tyler Clancy Sen. Ron Winterton | This bill directs the Division of Air Quality Director to develop and publish guidance and rules on obtaining a plantwide applicability limitation (PAL). The Director is to report annually in the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee on the number of PALs, the status of their implementation, and recommendations for improvement. The bill also directs the Division of Air Quality to study and make recommendations for operations that should be included within the permit by rule program (exempting them from having to apply for a permit). | Monitor | In Committee | Regulatory Air Quality |
HB 088 | Housing Policy Amendments | Rep. Ray Ward Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Requires specified municipalities and counties to submit their subsequent moderate income housing reports every three years instead of every one. Also allows for modular housing units to be used for accessory dwelling units and for detached accessory dwelling units to not be subject to greater setback requirements than the detached single family home on the same lot. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 090 | Zoning Amendments | Rep. Ray Ward Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Allows housing to be a designated use within a commercial zone in municipalities within the first or second class. Allows detached single family homes on lots at least 4000 square feet in a municipality within the first or second class in a residentially zoned area. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 106 | Income Tax Revisions | Rep. Kay Christofferson | Lowers the corporate and individual tax rate to 4.45% | Monitor | Introduced | Taxes |
HB 107 | University Facilities Financing Amendments | Rep. Neil Walter | Creates the Higher Education Capital Projects Fund that can offer loans to institutes of higher education for their capital development or improvement projects. The institution must prove that they have the funding to cover ongoing operation and maintenance as well as statutory costs that come with the new development or improvement. Loans are to be repaid in 40 years at a rate of 4%. | Monitor | Introduced | Education & Workforce |
HB 118 | Homelessness Revisions | Rep. Nelson Abbott | Adjusts the annual local contribution of local governments to the Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Restricted Account to account for funds already spent to achieve the goal of the account. | Monitor | Introduced | Homelessness and Public Safety |
HB 122 | National Guard and Military Amendments | Rep. Jefferson Burton | Among other provisions, allows the adjutant general of the Utah National Guard to allocate funds for student loan repayment for active duty members. Directs the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs to provide services and benefits related to healthcare, employment and education (among others) to service members, veterans, and families of service members or veterans. Allows institutes of higher education to enter into an agreement to provide support services to military installations. Creates the Great Salt Lake Sentinel Landscape and encourages private landowners to participate in the program as well as state and local governmental entities to provide insights into urban developments, wildfire management, water sustainability, etc. near military installations. Allows the Department to create areas of restricted use around military installations and must affirmatively authorize any development on the land in these areas. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Workforce and Education Regulatory |
HB 131 | Talent Ready Utah Program Amendments | Rep. Val Peterson | Includes an engineering and computer technology talent initiative under Talent Ready Utah. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Workforce and Education |
HB 136 | Alternative Incarceration Program Amendments | Rep. Doug Owens | Establishes a program to be administered and implemented by county sheriffs to allow inmates to participate in public works programs in lieu of serving time in jail. Only applies to inmates convicted of non-violent offenses, inmates who voluntarily agree to participate and whose participation is not prohibited by a court order, and who is not serving under a second or subsequent sentencing. Eight hours of participation shall equal one day of incarceration served. | Monitor | In Committee | Workforce |
HB 142 | Service Member and Veteran Amendments | Rep. Jordan Teuscher | Requires USHE institutions to offer in-state tuition to active duty military service member. | Monitor | Introduced | Workforce and Education |
HB 149 | Single Family Homes Ownership Amendments | Rep. Tyler Clancy | Prohibits an institutional investor from purchasing single-family houses. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 151 | Home Sales Amendments | Rep. Gay Lynn Bennion | Requires anyone purchasing a home listed for sale for less than 30 days in a county of the first class to sign an affidavit that they will occupy the home unless a renter currently resides there, or there is an exigent circumstance. Prohibits the sale of a single-family home as part of a bulk foreclosure. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 152 | Healthcare Facilities Amendments | Rep. Katy Hall | Outlines the minimum parameters a satellite emergency department must have on-site during operating hours. Parameters include equipment and personnel to conduct and use certain diagnostic tests and equipment, a licensed physician, two registered nurses, a respiratory care staff member, a certified medical laboratory scientist or technologist, security personnel and two units of red blood cells. Requires certain signage to be posted including rates that are charged for emergency departments and outlines parameters for how many satellite emergency rooms a healthcare organization may operate. | Monitor | In Committee | Healthcare |
HB 157 | Energy Education Amendments | Rep. Colin Jack Sen. Derrin Owens | The Office of Energy Development shall establish the Energy and Education Workforce Development Task Force to develop and maintain energy education programs and curricula for k-12 education, provide professional development training for educators, and develop workforce development programs and facilitate collaboration among USHE institutions, elementary and secondary schools and industry. The workforce development program shall create stackable credential programs, prepare students for energy industry jobs, and promote policies consistent with the state energy policy. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Energy & Critical Materials |
HB 167 | Re-Entry Modifications | Rep. Tyler Clancy Sen. Stephanie Pitcher | Directs local mental health authority to coordinate with the Department of Corrections to ensure continuity of mental health services for those on probation or parole. Directs a county's criminal justice coordinating council to identify strategies to connect those on probation or parole with county-based housing, employment, mental health and substance use services in addition to educating and incentivizing employers to hire individuals with a record. This bill also creates the Rehabilitation and Re-entry Services Restricted Account whose funds shall be used to increase successful reintegration and decrease the likelihood of recidivism. | Support | In Committee | Workforce |
HB 168 | Artificial Intelligence in Education | Rep. Ariel Defay | Creates the AI in Education Task Force which is tasked with studying and making recommendations on AI policies and implementation in schools, monitoring trends pertaining to AI use in education, identifying best practices for integration into curriculum, exploring opportunities for collaboration between education institutions and the AI industry and coordinating alignment with the Office of AI Policy. | Monitor | Introduced | Technology and Innovation |
HB 172 | Unpaid Wage Amendments | Rep. Jefferson Burton | No longer requires a 15 day waiting period for an employee to bring a suit against their employer for wages due. The court will establish the amount that they are due and award attorney fees. | Monitor | Introduced | Regulatory |
HB 178 | Noncitizen Health Insurance Policies Amendments | Rep. Neil Walter | Changes the definition of who is eligible for the Children's Health Insurance Program to be a citizen of the United States, a Supplemental Security Income recipient who meets the grand-fathered SSI non-citizen recipient classification or a lawfully present child. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
HB 182 | Rental Amendments | Rep. Gay Lynn Bennion | Requires a landlord to provide notice of rent price increases at least 60 days before the increase is to take effect. Exempts month-to-month rentals, low-income tax credit community that allows the rent to be increased, or the renter agrees in writing to an increase before the 60 days have expired. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 185 | Railroad Modifications | Rep. Tyler Clancy | Directs the Division of Air Quality to complete an air emissions inventory of all rail yards in an ozone nonattainment county for specific pollutants, and to create an emissions reduction plan for said pollutants from rail locomotives. | Monitor | Introduced | Air Quality |
HB 186 | Wage Payment Amendments | Rep. Kay Christofferson | Removes provisions requiring an employee separating from their employer to demand their wage in writing. | Monitor | Introduced | Regulatory |
HB 199 | Substance Use Treatment and Enforcement Amendments | Rep. Tyler Clancy | Requires local substance abuse and mental health authorities to provide lists of available services and resources for use by first responders. Allows first responders to offer a referral to the appropriate service for an individual who has had an accidental or intentional overdose. Updates reporting requirements for a syringe exchange program. Outlines parameters under which a substance use disorder treatment provider may operate a mobile unit to provide services to individuals without a permanent address and requires it to operate under the pharmacy license of the treatment provider. The intentional operation of a drug-involved premises (knowingly open, leases, rents, allows for illicit drug consumption, etc.) is a second degree felony. A cause of action may be brought against an individual who generates or allows to be generated fumes in the unlawful manufacturing or possession of a controlled substance or a landlord who knowingly allows this same practice. | Monitor | Introduced | Homelessness and Public Safety |
HB 201 | Energy Resource Amendments | Rep. Colin Jack | This bill requires the Public Service Commission, when reviewing an integrated resource plan of an electric utility, to attribute any supplemental baseload assistance cost to the total cost of a variable energy source utilization. When calculating generation capacity, the commission must reflect actual delivery and capability for energy storage systems, but must exclude energy conservation measures or demand reduction programs. A utility may not implement demand management programs without affirmative consumer consent, and may not count any anticipated demand reductions as part of the generation capacity calculation in the integrated resource plan. | Monitor | Introduced | Energy |
HB 211 | Enhanced Penalties Following Unlawful Reentry Amendments | Rep. Colin Jack | Enhances felony penalties for an individual who was federally charged with illegal reentry into the United States under 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1326. | Monitor | Introduced | Public Safety & Immigration |
HB 212 | Grid Enhancing Technologies | Rep. Christine Watkins | When proopsing a grid enhancing technology deployment, an electric utility must analyze the cost effectiveness and deployment timetable of the technology, and provide that analysis to the Public Service Commission during a rate case or other proceeding. The commission may approve funds for deployment, allow the utility to establish a balancing account (which may recover prudent incurred costs), and require an expedited review and make a final decision of any land use application if they determine such deployment to be in the public interest. Allows an electric utility that deploys commission-approved grid enhancing technology to be eligible for a shared savings incentive subject to verification by a third-party auditor. | Monitor | In Committee | Energy |
HB 214 | Employer Verification Amendments | Rep. Neil Walter | Reduces the number of employees that would subject an employer to register with and verity the status of any new employee from 150 employees to five employees. | Monitor | Introduced | Workforce & Immigration |
HB 226 | Criminal Amendments | Rep. Candice Pierucci | The Attorney General may bring an action to dissolve a nonprofit or revoke the authority of a foreign nonprofit in the state that is convicted of human trafficking or subverting federal immigration procedures to bring a person into the state illegally. Requires a local sheriff to notify corresponding federal authority of the release of a dangerous individual who may be unlawfully present in the country. Creates a rebuttable presumption that a person is likely to flee a jurisdiction if they are unlawfully present and may be denied bail. Requires a booking agency to include an individuals immigration status if they are not U.S. citizen. Requires a sheriff to include immigration status in their guidelines for releasing inmates on their own recognizance. | Monitor | Introduced | Immigration |
HB 229 | Transportation Fund Amendments | Rep. Kay Christofferson | Amends the definition of transportation corridor and transportation facility for purposes of funding. | Monitor | Introduced | Transportation & Infrastructure |
HB 230 | Blockchain and Digital Innovation Amendments | Rep. Jordan Teuscher | A person in this state has the right to accept or take control of digital assets as a method of payment for legal goods or services and operate a node for the purpose of blockchain protocol operation and transfer or exchange of digital assets without a money transmission license. Prohibits any local government from prohibiting a digital asset mining company from operating in an industrial zoned location if they are meet requirements for industrial use. | Monitor | Introduced | Technology and Innovation |
HB 241 | Solar Power Plant Amendments | Rep. Colin Jack | Creates standards for a solar power plant including a minimum lot size and maximum structure height with established set backs and noise limitations, green space maintenance and appearance of accessory structures among others. A plant may not be located on productive crop or grazing land, may not remove forestry or wetlands or be in protected habitats. Provides different restrictions for municipalities. Outlines the process for obtaining a permit including having a transportation, site and development plan including all access routes, setbacks, proposed structures, etc. Requires an owner of a solar power plant to establish a fund for decommissioning and update the decommissioning plan every four years. | Monitor | Introduced | Energy |
HB 243 | Agricultural Water Optimization Amendments | Rep. Casey Snider | Allows funds from the Agricultural Water Optimization Account to be used to fund certain projects and research approved by the Agricultural Water Optimization Committee. Projects that may utilize these funds are a subsurface drip irrigation project, an automated surge irrigation project or a measurement, telemetry or reporting project that meet the requirements and rules of the grant funds set forth by the committee. Research that may utilize these funds include any research related to farm economics that affects agricultural water optimization and financial rewards for water optimization practices, research to identify obstacles to and contraints of agricultural water optimization and related management tools and technologies, and research that establishes methods for measuring saved water or the effectiveness of agricultural water optimization funding program. | Monitor | Introduced | Water |
HB 249 | Nuclear Power Amendments | Rep. Carl Albrecht Sen. Ann Millner | This bill renames the Utah San Rafael Energy Lab Board to the Utah Energy Research Board and adds a representative from the Idaho National Laboratory. The board's responsibilities are expanded to include overseeing the San Rafael Energy Lab and the Utah Center for Advanced Energy Research and Development, appointing directors, establishing governance, and creating policies for joint appointments with educational and workforce institutions. It also creates the Utah Energy Council to facilitate electrical energy generation and transmission projects, with duties such as stakeholder engagement, approving funding allocations, and managing the Electrical Energy Development Investment Fund among others. Projects must be located within designated electrical energy development zones to qualify for local financial incentives, and the bill outlines procedures for counties and municipalities to establish these zones and allocate property tax revenue. Additionally, the bill establishes the Nuclear Energy Consortium to advise the Office of Energy Development and the Legislature on nuclear energy technologies, safety, and policy development. | Monitor | Introduced | Energy |
HB 255 | Local Land Use Modifications | Rep. Scott Chew | Allows the owner of at least 50 contiguous acres of land to create a subdivision of at least one acre that is at least 500 feet away from another subdivision. This only applies to land in a county of the third, fourth, fifth or sixth class. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 256 | Municipal Zoning Amendments | Rep. Neil Walter | Sets forth parameters under which a municipality or county that regulates short-term rentals may use a listing as evidence that a short-term rental occurred. A municipality or county may require a permit to list a short-term rental on a website or remove the short-term rental listing upon notice of a requirement violation. A short-term rental listing may be provided to the county auditor and State Tax Commission to determine whether the owner of the listing is subject to Transient Room Tax. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing Economic Development |
HB 257 | Pharmacy Benefit Amendments | Rep. Norm Thurston | Requires a health benefit plan to ensure that each pharmaceutical manufacturer rebate is used exclusively to benefit plan enrollees by passing the rebate to the point of sale to offset an enrollee's deductible, using the rebate to reduce premiums paid by the enrollee, or using the rebate to enhance enrollee benefits. A pharmacy benefit manager must offer a self-funded health benefit plan these same provisions while charging the same amount that they are reimbursed for. Directs the PEHP board to issue a request for proposal before before entering into or renewing a contract with a pharmacy benefit manager. The board shall give preference to a non-profit organization if it is not significantly more expensive than the lowest priced proposal. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
HB 260 | First Credential Program | Rep. Val Peterson | Establishes the Utah First Credential Program and the First Credential Oversight Committee. The committee is tasked with developing a first credential master plan which includes various components such as frameworks for development, a comprehensive needs assessment, methods for ensuring industry demand alignment, definitions of industry-recognized credentials, and guidelines for LEAs to procure industry-recognized certification program licenses among others. The initial master list shall include any existing industry-recognized credential recognized by the state board or Utah Board of Higher Education. Sets forth parameters under which a student is awarded a first credential certificate. The Utah Board of Higher Education shall ensure that credits earned for the first credential certificate are accepted and transferable to institutions of higher education and technical colleges and applicable towards relevant degree programs. Has other provisions related to grants for LEAs. | Monitor | Introduced | Workforce |
HB 264 | Tax Incentive Amendments | Rep. Kay Christofferson | Repeals various residential and commercial clean energy systems tax credits. | Monitor | Introduced | Energy |
HB 265 | Higher Education Strategic Reinvestment | Rep. Karen Peterson Sen. Ann Millner | Requires the Utah Board of Higher Education to report on each USHE institution's strategic reinvestment plan to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee; the strategic reinvestment plan is a plan put forth by a USHE institution that describes how they will reallocate reinvestment funds to certain strategic investments. Directs the subcommittee and the board to study a re-design of the performance funding model and enrollment-based funding. Ties funding of each USHE institution to presentation and approval of that institution's strategic reinvestment plan; in subsequent years, institutions must present on progress on their strategic plan. Outlines what reinvesment funds may be used for and penalties for non compliance. | Monitor | Introduced | Workforce |
HB 266 | Veteran Housing Amendments | Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost | Requires the Utah Homeless Services Board and the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs to work in conjunction to create best practices for assisting veterans experiencing homelessness. | Monitor | Introduced | Homelessness |
HB 267 S1 | Public Sector Labor Union Amendments | Rep. Jordan Teuscher Sen. Kirk Cullimore | Prohibits a public employer from recognizing a labor organization as a bargaining agent for a public employee for contracts existing after May 7, 2025. Public money and property may not be used to utilize union activity. Allows public employeess to join labor unions and outlines parameters under which an employer may pay union dues on their behalf, and when they are to stop paying dues. Outlines reporting requirements to union participants pertaining to funds used from membership dues. Labor organization participants may not participate in the state retirement system. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Workforce |
HB 272 | Vehicle Assessment Amendments | Rep. Clinton Okerlund | Increases the gross weight value from 12,000 to 14,000 for vehicles subject to a uniform fee in lieu of a property tax. | Monitor | Introduced | Infrastructure |
HB 274 | Water Amendments | Rep. Casey Snider | Allows a water supplier to set rates to encourage conservation and efficient water use and directs a supplier to consider this component in their rate structure for at least the highest block of water usage. Revenue collected from the conservation block may not be used to repay investors, but must be used to further the retailer's conservation efforts. Requires secondary water suppliers to enter into contracts that allow for tiered rates by no later than April 1, 2027. | Monitor | Introduced | Water |
HB 281 | Health Curriculum and Procedures Amendments | Rep. Stephanie Gricius Sen. Kirk Cullimore | Requires written parental approval before a school-based telehealth or mental health provider may provide any healthcare services to a student. Updates various provisions related to health-related curriculum. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
HB 285 | Water Infrastructure Modifications | Rep. Casey Snider | Requires a certain amount of excess funds be transfered from the Water Quality Security - Utah Wastewater Loan Program Subaccount, the Drinking Water Security - Drinking Water Loan Program Subaccount and the Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund to the Water Infrastructure Fund at the end of every fiscal year. Requires all public water systems to develop a capital asset management plan which shall be updated every five years. | Monitor | Introduced | Water |
HB 286 | Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund Amendments | Rep. Carol Moss | Requires the Division of Finance to annually transfer an amount equal to 25% of the net sales tax on liquor sales to the Olene Walker Housing Loan Fund before they do their standard transfer of funds from the Liquor Control Fund. The transfered funds must be used to benefit individuals purchasing income-restricted affordable single-family housing and those who are purchasing, developing, or rehabilitating multi-family affordable housing. | Monitor | Introduced | Housing |
HB 288 | Health Care Malpractice Amendments | Rep. Nelson Abbott | Doubles the length of time for health care provider malpractice actions to be filed. Increases the compensation an injured plaintiff may recover to any cause arising after May 15, 2025 to $950,000 | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
HB 294 | Infectious Disease Procedures Amendments | Rep. Matt MacPherson | A place of public accommodation or enterprise may not require individuals with medically diagnosed negative reactions to masks to wear them on their premises. Prohibits a local health department from issuing an order of constraint which establishes, maintains, or enforces isolation, quarantine, or stay-at-home orders, exercises physical control over property to include closing theaters, schools, or other gathering places, etc. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
HB 297 | Expungement Amendments | Rep. Karianne Lisonbee | Adds traffic-related offenses and vehicle operation while under the influence-related offenses that are not eligible for automatic expungemet. Outlines situations under which an expungement order may be vacated by a court or requested by the Bureau of Criminal Identification. Prohibits the bureau from issuing a certificate of eligibility for expungement for an offense that requires registration as a sex offender, kidnap offender or child abuse offender or if they have a protective order or criminal stalking injunction. | Monitor | Introduced | Workforce |
HB 301 | Ambulance Provider Payment Amendments | Rep. Cory Maloy | Establishes base rates for ambulance services dependent on what type of medical professional is on board of the transport. Directs a health benefit plan to consider an adjusted base rate as a correctly charged amount. An ambulance provider may not charge a higher rate than the established base rate. Prohibits "balance billing" which is the billing of an amount equal to the difference between the charges and the amount a health benefit plan pays. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
HB 307 | Wildfire Funding Amendments | Rep. Casey Snider | Allows the Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands to establish criteria for community wildfire preparedness and require action that is both qualitative and quantitative and leads to reduced wildfire risk. Combines several fire related accounts into the Utah Wildfire Fund. The fund will be used to pay for wildfire costs on state lands or any private or unincorporated lands for which the division has been delegated fire management authority, making grants to assist local or volunteer fire departments, and pay certain wildfire prevention costs. Delegates which funds can be used for wildfire prevention and which may be used for wildfire costs. | Monitor | Introduced | Natural Resources |
HB 311 | Watershed Amendments | Rep. Casey Snider | The state engineer may require an owner, lessee or controller to construct or make repairs to a hydroelectric facility at their own expense. If an owner, lessee or controller fails to prevent waste of water, damage to property, injury or fails to mitigate environmental impacts, a person has a right of action against that owner, lessee or controller. Water stored in a reservoir or other body of water for use in power generation may not be used for any other purpose. | Monitor | Introduced | Water |
HB 314 | Breast Cancer Prevention Modifications | Rep. Jennifer Dailey-Provost | Prohibits a health benefit plan from having a cost-sharing requirement for a medically necessary diagnostic or supplemental breast examination. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
HCR 005 | House Concurrent Resolution on Permitting Reform | Rep. Melissa Ballard Sen. Keven Stratton | Recognizes the importance and benefits of domestic energy production and mineral extraction including cleaner domestic operations, enhanced national security and economic competitiveness. Also recognizes the cumbersome, costly and enefficient permitting processes for such operations and calls for congressional action to reform federal permitting and environmental review processes. | Monitor | Introduced | Energy & Critical Materials |
HCR 006 | Concurrent Resolution Urging Changes to Federal Homelessness Regulations | Rep. Tyler Clancy | Calls on the Department of Housing and Urban Development to grant Utah a waiver in order to be more flexible in designing housing solutions. Also calls for reduced HMIS administrative burdens in order to focus on individuals being served in the state in addition to allowing Utah to replace HUD performance measures with state outcomes and measures and providing flexibility for communities to offer a variety of housing options among other grant provisions. | Monitor | Introduced | Homelessness |
SB 013 | Property Tax Reimbursement Amendments | Sen. Lincoln Fillmore Rep. Joseph Elison | This bill allows certain rental businesses to charge a recovery fee for heavy equipment rentals to cover property taxes. The fee must be itemized, is not subject to sales tax, and cannot be charged to government entities. The State Tax Commission, county auditors, and the Multi County Appraisal Trust will study fee rates and report findings to the Legislature, with required data-sharing for the study. | Monitor | In House Committee | Taxes |
SB 015 | Certified Public Accountant Licensing Amendments | Sen. Evan VIckers Rep. Steve Eliason | This bill removes CPA hour requirements, adds a bachelor's degree requirement, allows out-of-state CPAs to practice in Utah under certain conditions, permits fines for CPA-related violations, and makes technical changes. | Monitor | In the House | Workforce |
SB 017 | Services for Department of Defense Civilian Employees | Sen. Ann Millner Rep. Val Peterson | Allows a spouse of a DOD civilian who is stationed in the state to be granted a professional license and practice in that occupation if they have a valid and current license of a substantially similar occupation in another jurisdiction. Grants in state tuition to a DOD civilian or their immediate family member upon proof that they are domiciled in the state. Outlines parameters K-12 schools must follow for a transferring student who is an immediate family member of a DOD civilian. | Monitor | In House Committee | Workforce |
SB 026 | Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Amendments | Sen. Wayne Harper Rep. Stephen Whyte | This bill adjusts definitions, ties median income requirements for housing projects to county data, limits tax increment collection to three times per project, and makes technical changes. | Monitor | In the House | Economic Development |
SB 030 | Forest Fire Resources Compact Amendments | Sen. Derrin Owens Rep. Troy Shelley | Directs the Governor to enter into the Great Plains Interstate Fire Compact. This compact allows for sharing resources across state lines related to suppression, control or preventing of fires. | Monitor | In House Committee | Natural Resources |
SB 031 | Refugee Services Amendments | Sen. Ron Winterton | Creates the Refugee Services Office within the Department of Workforce Services to provide refugee resettlement services, operate a refugee cash assistance program, provide support to the advisory committee, collaborate with community partners and create the necessary reports and rules to administer the office. Creates the Refugee Services Fund and outlines for which purposes it is to be used and funds it is to receive. | Monitor | In Committee | Immigration |
SB 034 | Mineral Surety Amendments | Sen. Derrin Owens Rep. Ariel Defay | Directs the Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining to study mineral sureties requirements including surety forms they will accept, amounts of the surety, when a surety should be released or forfeited, etc. The Division shall report the results and any recommendations to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee. | Monitor | In House Committee | Energy & Critical Materials |
SB 036 | Water Quality Board Amendments | Sen. Todd Weiler | Gives the Utah Water Quality Board the authority to review and issue a final order when an alleged violator and the Director of the Division of Water Quality cannot come to an agreement. | Monitor | Introduced | Water |
SB 038 | Manufacturing Modernization Grant Sunset Amendments | Sen. Ann Millner Rep. Colin Jack | Extends the Manufacturing Modernization Grant Program until 2028. | Support | In the House | Economic Development |
SB 042 | Consumer Protection Amendments | Sen. Evan Vickers | Allows for disgorgement of anything of value obtained by a deceptive act against a consumer. Includes penalty enhancement considerations of whether a supplier knowing and intentionally deceived a consumer and whether the harmed consumer was a vulnerable adult. Allows a consumer to recover actual damages and court costs that are not part of a class action. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Regulatory |
SB 044 | Professional Licensure Background Checks | Sen. Evan Vickers | Modifies and standardizes background check requirements for an applicant seeking licensure for certain professions. Requirements include requiring an applicant to send in finger prints which will be compared to the state's criminal database and forwarded to the FBI for a national comparison. If an applicant is found to have a criminal history that was not disclosed prior to licensure, their license may be revoked. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Workforce |
SB 047 | Sales and Use Tax Remittance Amendments | Sen. Wayne Harper | Alters the parameters that would require a seller to collect and remit sales tax in the state by removing the separate transaction threshold. | Monitor | Introduced | Taxes |
SB 048 | Behavioral Health Amendments | Sen. Mike McKell | Expands the scope of mental health therapy to include treatment of an emotional disorder in addition to what is already in statute. Also creates the Mental Health Professionals Education and Enforcement Fund which will receive any administrative penalty fine and be used for education purposes and enforcement of the Mental Health Professional Practice Act. | Monitor | In Committee | Healthcare |
SB 051 | State Resource Management Plan Amendments | Sen. Keven Stratton Rep. Ken Ivory | Adopts the State Resource Management Plan that was presented to the Federalism Commission in September. | Monitor | In House Committee | Natural Resources |
SB 052 | Vehicle Registration Modifications | Sen. Brady Brammer | This bill would allow the state tax commission to contract with an entity to identify vehicles that are insured but not registered in the state. The bill gives a deficient vehicle owner 60 days to come into compliance before the Tax Commission may impose a penalty. | Monitor | In Committee | Taxes |
SB 058 | Mobile Crane Amendments | Sen. Calvin Musselman | Requires that an owner of real property on which a mobile crane will be used to obtain a geotechnical report and take certain precautions if the geotechnical report states that the conditions of the real property cannot support the maximum crane load; also prohibits an owner from using a mobile crane on the owner's property under certain conditions and creates a presumption of negligence in a civil action resulting from an owner failing to take certain precautions when using a mobile crane | Monitor | In Committee | Regulatory |
SB 059 | Commercial Driver License Provisions | Sen. Don Ipson | Amends provisions relating to disqualification of a commercial driver license and requires the Driver License Division to utilize the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse as required by federal law | Monitor | Passed Committee | Workforce |
SB 061 | Energy Corridor Amendments | Sen. Derrin Owens | Requires a person filing an eminent domain action for certain telecommunications, electric light, and electric power infrastructure to conduct an infrastructure siting analysis and coordinate with federal land management agencies before pursuing condemnation of private lands. The person filing the action must include the documentation showing alternative federal land options when pursuing eminent domain. Requires a public utility to submit an annual report on eminent domain actions and efforts to utilize federal public lands to the Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Interim Committee | Monitor | In Committee | Energy |
SB 062 S1 | Spaceport Exploration Committee | Sen. Jerry Stevenson | Creates the Spaceport Exploration Committee that will determine the needs of the state to establish a space port including conducting a feasibility study, outlining key objectives, siting assessment, and making recommendations as to whether it is in the state's best interest to establish a spaceport. | Monitor | Passed Committee | Economic Development |
SB 069 | Medication Amendments | Sen., Evan Vickers | Defines "340B drug" and "pharmaceutical entity" and bans interfering with a pharmaceutical entity's acquisition of a 340B drug. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
SB 072 | Family Leave Requirements Amendments | Sen. Nate Blouin | Includes family leave insurance in the definition of income replacement and disability income insurance, making family leave insurance subject to the same statutory requirements as income replacement and disability income insurance | Monitor | In Committee | Workforce |
SB 078 | Homeless Individuals Protection Amendments | Sen. Jen Plumb | Creates the homeless services provider ombudsman to provide information and training pertaining to the rights and services available for a person experiencing homelessness. They may also investigate claims pertaining to the violation of rights of an individual experiencing homelessness. | Monitor | In Committee | Homelessness and Public Safety |
SB 080 | Drinking Water Amendments | Sen. Scott Sandall | Directs the Department of Environmental Quality to establish a fee schedule for the regulation of public water systems. The fee schedule may implement an fees related to the consumption to an end user, review of the plan, sanitary review and oversight of public drinking water regulation. The fee schedule may also provide incentives to a public water system if it complies with source and storage minimum requirements and if the system installs meters on all residential connections, adopts tiered water rates and creates a master plan. | Monitor | In Committee | Water |
SB 085 | Income Tax Rate Amendments | Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Lowers the income tax rate if the state's actual revenue the previous year is higher than the projected revenue. The State Tax Commission shall annually publish the calculated rate. Mineral production tax withholding rates shall be the same as the calculated tax rate. | Monitor | Introduced | Taxes |
SB 086 | Workplace Protection Amendments | Sen. Jen Plumb | Reduces the number of employees a person may employ (from 15 to five) before being considered an employer subject to the state Antidiscrimination Act for employment | Monitor | Introduced | Workforce |
SB 089 | Immunization Cost Amendments | Sen. Jen Plumb | Requires a health benefit plan to reimburse a physician that does not contract with any health benefit plan to e a paneled provider for the cost of a covered vaccine. | Monitor | In Committee | Healthcare |
SB 090 | Unlawful Presence Criminal Enhancement Amendments | Sen. Calvin Musselman Rep. Colin Jack | Creates penalty enhancements and fines for crimes committed by an individual who is unlawfully present in the United States | Monitor | Introduced | Immigration |
SB 091 | Restaurant Tax Provisions | Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Updates the definition of restaurant to include portions of a grocery store that function like a restaurant, resulting in the restaurant tax being imposed on transactions from the restaurant portion of the grocery store | Monitor | In Committee | Regulatory & Taxes |
SB 092 | Golf Course Amendments | Sen. Dan McCay | Directs Utah State University Institute of Land, Air, and Water to study the use of water on golf courses in the state. Part of the study shall identify best practices, strategic water saving opportunities and report out on their findings while not identifying any specific golf course. Requires compliance of the owner or operator of a golf course. Any record held in relation to this study by the Institute is not subject to GRAMA. | Monitor | In Committee | Water |
SB 096 | Advanced Air Mobility Amendments | Sen. Wayne Harper Rep. Kay Christofferson | Directs the Department of Transportation to conduct a community outreach and education campaign and to develop an advanced air mobility toolkit | Monitor | Passed Committee | Transportation & Infrastructure |
SB 102 | Public Education Funding Modifications | Sen. Lincoln Fillmore | Establishes sunset dates for a number of educational programs including concurrent enrollment funding (2027), dual language immersion (2029) and the Teacher and Student Success Program (2028). | Monitor | In Committee | Workforce and Education |
SB 106 | Utah-Ireland Trade Commission | Sen. Wayne Harper | Creates the Utah-Ireland Trade Commission (commission) and outlines the membership, purpose, and duties of the commission; requires an annual report, authorizes the commission to solicit funds, and creates the Utah-Ireland Trade Commission Restricted Account | Monitor | Introduced | Economic Development |
SB 116 | Income Tax Modifications | Sen. Dan McCay | Lowers the corporate and individual income tax rates to 4.5% | Monitor | Introduced | Taxes |
SB 121 | Property Loss Amendments | Sen. Jen Plumb | Creates the Property Loss Related to Homelessness Compensation Fund to compensate an individual who lives or a business which is located 1/5 of a mile from a homeless services facility and experiences property loss as a direct result of the presence of that facility. The fund may also provide no-interest loans to affected businesses for property loss or property loss mitigation which shall be repaid within one year of disbursement. The fund shall be overseen by the Property Loss Related to Homelessness Advisory Committee. | Monitor | Introduced | Homelessness and Public Safety |
SB 122 | Sales Tax on Food Amendments | Sen. Nate Blouin | Removes the state sales tax on food and food ingredients. | Monitor | Introduced | Taxes |
SB 132 | Electric Utility Amendments | Sen. Scott Sandall Rep. Colin Jack | Outlines requirements for an electrical corporation that receives a large-scale service request including conducting a feasibility study. After completion of the study, the electrical corporation shall notify whether they can accommodate the requested service, large load incremental costs that will be assessed, any system upgrades or transmission service request, estimated timeline to commence service and the proposed terms and conditions. Outlines contract provisions under which a large-scale service shall be provided. Allows a large load customer to enter into a contract with a large-scale generation provider if they cannot come to terms on a contract with an electrical corporation and if they have provided written notice to the corporation of the terms of the contract with the generation provider which the electrical corporation is not able to uphold. Requires a large load customer to pay for interconnection and transmission-related studies, any system upgrades, transmission service rates, and any other services that they must provide. | Monitor | In Committee | Energy |
SB 134 | Health-Care Decisions Act Amendments | Sen. Mike McKell | Enacts the Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act which outlines the process for determining whether a patient lacks capacity and outlines how they may go about creating an advance healthcare directive that addresses only mental healthcare. Outlines immunity provisions for a healthcare professional complying with a healthcare decision according to the person's capacity and surrogate status. Other legal aspects related to a person who lacks capacity and designation of a surrogate are outlined. | Monitor | Introduced | Healthcare |
SB 136 | Motor Vehicle Business Regulation Amendments | Sen. Stephanie Pitcher Rep. Jordan Teuscher | Repeals the prohibition on a licensed dealer or salesperson selling, offering for sale, leasing, or offering for lease a vehicle on consecutive days of Saturday and Sunday. | Monitor | Introduced | Regulatory |