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Danger in Your Ranks and the Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape

Learn strategies to reduce your cyber risk in this joint webinar panel discussion presented by the Salt Lake Chamber, The Buckner Company, Nexus IT Consultants, and Strong Connexions. Gain insights into how employees cause 95 % of all breaches and how to implement a strategy to reduce cyber risk by combining a proactive security program with cyber insurance coverage.

Topics covered:

  • The current threat landscape and what are your risks
  • How the pandemic and the Russian // Ukrainian conflict have caused the cyber landscape to evolve faster than ever before
  • What new threats you need to be aware of now
  • The business opportunities that lie in maintaining robust cyber and compliance practices
  • The role that cyber insurance plays in reducing risk should a successful attack occur
  • How and why requirements for cyber insurance are changing – How do you design an integrated security plan to reduce your cyber risk

This webinar originally aired on April 20, 2022.