Lorena Martinez: The Importance of One-on-Ones

Congratulations, you are now a manager! You have now acquired a team you are responsible for — great! Now what? What does it entail to have your own team? There is training involved, of course, but once that is done, do you just manage them, and that’s it? 

No. As a manager or a leader, there is a responsibility to ensure you are connecting with each of your team members in a one-on-one meeting. Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, there should be time set aside for you and your team to connect individually and privately. In a Forbes article, Heidi Lynn Kurter states, “When conducted properly, they’re a valuable way to build trust with employees. For new hires, they help establish a relationship with their manager and gain a deeper understanding of how the business operates, receive guidance on their career goals and questions. For tenured employees, this helps train them on how to get what they need from their manager and team.”

Connecting with your team not only helps you as a leader in getting to know each person and where they come from, but it also helps you in your development in management. I want to be able to give my team members feedback on what they are doing well, what things we need to work on, and what their goals are. I am only successful if they are. I want to be able to get them wherever they would like to go, whether it’s within the company or elsewhere. I feel it is my duty to guide my team and help them develop their skills and talents. 

As mentioned, one-on-one is a great way to help you develop as a leader, especially by also asking for feedback yourself. As trust is built with your team members, honest feedback can be given, and this can only help you grow in your position. What better constructive criticism than by those who are being managed by you?

All in all, one-on-one is a win-win for both you and your team members as you try to build a more cohesive team. It all starts with the employees, and if they are heard and treated well, it will show in their relationships with their peers and their overall productivity. 

About Lorena Martinez

Lorena was born in Lima, Peru before moving to Barcelona, Spain for a few years and then finally settling with her family in Utah. She is a Utah Valley University graduate and earned her bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science with an emphasis in Family Studies. She will begin her MBA at the University of Utah this fall. Lorena has been working in hospitality for most of her career and she is presently at the Residence Inn Salt Lake City/Cottonwood as their Sales Executive. When Lorena is not working, she enjoys spending time with her 5 kids, traveling, or playing basketball in a women’s league.