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President’s Message: Give Back & Give Thanks

The holiday season is upon us, and despite persistent challenges in our businesses and lives, it is imperative to reflect on our blessings and look for opportunities to serve others. Among the many things that merit our thanksgiving, Salt Lake City and Utah are moving forward, committed to growth, prosperity, and opportunity for all.

This year, Salt Lake City and a handful of other Utah cities were recognized for how well they managed the pandemic while creating jobs and growing our economy — no small feat given the economic shock from COVID-19. While these types of accolades are nothing new, they help solidify Utah as one of the best states for business and highlight our diverse economy, booming real estate market, and population growth over the past decade.

For these reasons, Utah serves as a model for other states. Though not perfect, we are inclusive and seek growth through cooperation between businesses, communities, government leaders, and academia. We understand that opportunity is created not in silos but together.

This spirit of unity reminds us all that the true nature of giving thanks is giving back, and I am inspired by the generosity of individuals, families, and our businesses over the past year. Together, we have endured the challenges of the pandemic, and have created a foundation that will sustain continued engagement as challenges recede.

Stories of giving abound, and the Salt Lake Chamber, along with its members, has worked hard to advance statewide programs like Hope Corps, Utah Community Builders, Women’s Business Center of Utah, and others to develop tools that improve mental fitness in the workplace, create opportunity in our communities, and advocate policies to preserve our long-term prosperity.

One immutable principle is the law of the harvest. The more we give, the more blessings redound to our benefit. And there is always something we can do to serve others, no matter our circumstances. For example, one easy way is to support a locally owned business, another is to donate blood as our reserves remain low, or to act as a mentor for children, youth, or a start-up business. In the end, by lifting others, we lift ourselves.

May this holiday season find you filled with gratitude and joy for the blessings we have as Utahns, as well as a desire to share those blessings with others.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!