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President’s Message: Stand Tall by Standing Together

As the year comes to a close and we begin to look inward, one thing becomes clear – Utah’s business community stood tall by standing together and through some of the most difficult challenges in generations. We figured out how to safely remain open during the pandemic, face supply chain breakdowns and rampant inflation, and better support teachers, neighbors, and families in need. 

From workforce development and family-friendly workplaces to energy policy and small business expansion, the scope of our work was across the spectrum. The Chamber has worked tirelessly to serve the present and emerging needs of the business community and stood alongside leaders in crafting solutions to guide our journey. Gratitude fills my heart for the guidance and cooperation we have received at every turn.

We live in a time when unity is preached but seldom practiced. Yet, we can continue to be the outlier by working together and finding common ground. Our business community stood resolute this year through cooperation and civic engagement, donating time and service. This means we may have to stand by when missteps happen or to overcome challenges. My working assumption is that businesses and people want to improve, and it is our job to support that process at home and in the office. 

Let me conclude with a few thanks to the members who make up one of the best and most diverse business communities. We really do stand on the shoulders of giants who have laid the foundation and cornerstones we continue to build. The Chamber would not be what it is without our Board of Directors and Board of Governors. These business leaders bring decades of experience and wisdom, which we rely upon in counsel and direction. Our allies continue to stand up when called upon, and we appreciate the collective impact they bring to our community. Thank you for doing good and standing with the Salt Lake Chamber!