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Salt Lake Chamber Statement on the Passing of Senator Orrin G. Hatch

Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber, issued the following statement regarding the passing of Senator Orrin G. Hatch:

“Utah has lost a dedicated leader and champion. Senator Hatch’s legacy and leadership will have a lasting impact for decades to come. He was a true partner to Utah’s business community, championing legislation that supported businesses large and small, favored international trade efforts, and advocated for pro-growth policies, ultimately strengthening our economy’s long-term prosperity. Senator Hatch led by example, using ‘The Utah Way’ and finding ways to collaborate with all people. For over four decades, he was a devoted steward of the state, and we are grateful for his service. Senator Hatch will not only be remembered as a Giant in our City, but as a Giant in our state and nation.”

In 2018, Senator Orrin G. Hatch was awarded the Salt Lake Chamber “Giant in Our City” award, for his exceptional and distinguished public service and extraordinary professional achievement.

Senator Orrin G. Hatch died Saturday, April 23, 2022, at the age of 88.
