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Speaking on Business: Clear the Air Challenge

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business.

One of the great benefits of living along the Wasatch Front are the gorgeous mountains to our east. They catch the winter snows that provide great skiing and other recreational opportunities many of us enjoy. They also capture the rainfall and winter snows that provide the water we need in the summer months.

Unfortunately, those wonderful mountains also block polluted air from leaving our valleys during both winter and summer, which is why the Salt Lake Chamber, along with TravelWise Utah and UCAIR, recently kicked off the 14th Annual Clear the Air Challenge.

For the past few years, the Challenge was held in February to address wintertime inversions. However, it was transitioned to July to focus on Utah’s summertime ozone issues which are just as harmful, but not as visible.

The Challenge is a month-long competition designed to encourage Utahns to reduce vehicle emissions by choosing alternatives to driving alone. By commuting smarter, we can protect our health, improve the environment, help our economy, and enhance Utah’s quality of life.

This year’s goal is to eliminate 100,000 single-occupant trips to save 2 million miles and reduce 375 tons of emissions.

So please check out the website and see what you can do to reduce air pollution in Utah.

I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.