Speaking on Business: Columbus Community Center

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business.  One of the most difficult challenges a parent faces is having a child with a disability and not knowing where to turn for assistance.  Fortunately, Kristy Chambers, CEO of the Columbus Community Center, is here to tell us about the help that’s available. 


The Columbus Community Center provides a variety of services to adults with disabilities and has contributed to our Salt Lake Community for over fifty years.  We know that individuals of all abilities can live and work fully integrated into our communities.

We are proud to provide residential services, supported employment, and day activities for the disabled. We are social entrepreneurs and employ approximately 100 individuals with disabilities in our profitable business lines, which include paper shredding, manufacturing, janitorial, grounds maintenance, and laundry services.

The current labor market is tight, and we encourage employers to consider filling their labor needs with our traditionally untapped workforce.  Our people are willing and able to do the job, and we make it easy for employers through the accommodations provided by the Columbus Community Center.

It’s exciting to see the joy on the faces of our clients at jobs well done.  Consider giving us a call!


Tax incentives for businesses that hire the disabled can range from $2,400 up to $9,000, and tax deductions for modifying property and transportation for the disabled can reach $15,000.  Contact Kristy Chambers at the Columbus Community Center to learn more.  I’m Derek Miller, Speaking on Business.