Speaking on Business: Ensign College

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. With a historically low unemployment rate, Utah has seen some unprecedented challenges when it comes to recruiting and retaining a workforce. To address this issue, Ensign College has taken several steps. President Bruce Kusch joins us to share more about their efforts.


Harvard Business School researchers recently published a report calling for community colleges and employers to work more closely to solve the challenge of creating a steady pipeline of prospective employees that are necessary to maintain a vibrant and growing economy. Employers require talent that is better prepared; colleges want employers to be more engaged.

While Utah has been a leader in job creation, the supply of qualified workers still falls short of demand and employer expectations. Though there is no quick fix, Ensign College believes steps can be taken to address the dilemma.

We think it all starts with a skills-based curriculum, counseling with employer advisory boards to assure that what is taught is what employers really need. And engaged employers offering internships and other real-world experience helps produce a prepared workforce ready to contribute from day one.

Find out how we prepare capable and trusted employees at www.ensign.edu.


By cultivating our talent pipeline in educational institutions, we can better bolster and build out our workforce. It is our responsibility as Utahns to support the education sector’s commitment to the next generation of workers, thinkers and leaders. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.