Speaking on Business: Get Healthy Utah

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Get Healthy Utah is a non-profit organization working to improve healthy eating and active living in the state. It envisions a Utah where a culture of health permeates every Utah community. Executive Director Alysia Ducuara us with more.

Many people think of healthy behavior as an individual responsibility. At Get Healthy Utah, we understand that our health also depends on where we live, work, and play.

Imagine two people. One lives in a neighborhood without safe walking or biking paths, a dozen fast food places but no grocery store, and a work environment of donuts and sitting all day. The other lives near parks, trails, grocery stores, and community gardens. Their employer has a great wellness program, with paid time to exercise.

Who’s more likely to have a higher quality of life and productivity?

Get Healthy Utah’s mission is to improve healthy eating, active living, and mental wellbeing. We partner with leaders across the state to build healthy communities through initiatives like the Healthy Utah Community Designation.

Everyone can help improve the health of Utahns. We invite you to our annual Get Healthy Utah Stakeholder Retreat on October 4 to learn more.

Get Healthy Utah works with schools, workplaces and communities to create lasting changes that improve health. They advocate for sound policies, align efforts across sectors and address problems at the system-level. For more information, visit GetHealthyUtah.org. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.