Speaking on Business: Junior Achievement of Utah

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Junior Achievement of Utah’s mission is to inspire and prepare young people of all backgrounds to succeed in a global economy. President and CEO Christy Tribe joins us with more.

Christy Tribe:
In a world where our youth are continually hearing “it’s not possible,” we at Junior Achievement believe in what is possible. We believe in the boundless potential of youth, no matter their past or current circumstances.

Junior Achievement connects students throughout Utah with volunteers serving as mentors from a variety of professions. Through our volunteers, JA prepares young people for the future of work, teaches them how to think entrepreneurially, and ensures they have the tools to be financially capable adults.

These mentor-student relationships expose our students to infinite future possibilities and have a profound impact on their lives. In fact, according to a 2022 survey, 56 percent of JA alumni report they have worked or are currently working in the same field as one of their JA volunteers.

We can make a difference. Visit our website at www.ja-utah.org to get involved. Believe us — it’s possible.

Derek Miller: 
With a focus on financial literacy, entrepreneurship and work readiness, Junior Achievement’s programs give kids from all walks of life an opportunity to learn and grow. Learn how you can get involved at their website. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.