Speaking on Business: RizeNext

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Diversity and inclusion are increasingly important to every business, but training managers how to do it right can be challenging. That’s why RizeNext CEO Trina Lipert is here today with more on this important topic.


Eight billion dollars is spent annually in the United States on diversity, equity and inclusion related training, yet analysts say the results are yet to be seen. Why is this? Just like any other business initiative, unless it’s integrated into your corporate business, it will most likely fail.  

Failure should not be an option. At RizeNext, we assist companies in creating growth and profitability through extensive business strategy.

We are honored to be part of the Salt Lake Chamber’s inaugural training series sponsored by Zions Bank. It’s a comprehensive 6 week training program – at two hours a week — that provides reference materials and guidelines, and provides a network with other businesses seeking to build inclusive cultures of change. 

Learn more about RizeNext at info@rizenext.com or visit us at rizenext.com.


Two thousand years ago a wise teacher taught us to love our neighbors just as we love ourselves. Diversity and inclusion training expands upon that core value. If you want to learn more, contact the team at RizeNext. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.