Speaking on Business: Show Up Utah

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. Now more than ever, each of us needs connection, empathy, and kindness in our lives. Abby Cox, Utah’s First Lady, is here to explain how all Utahns can get involved with her efforts to reconnect and serve one another. 


Show Up is my First Lady’s initiative, and it’s made possible by partnerships and support from Utahns everywhere. Through working with businesses, organizations, and individuals, we encourage Utahns to Show Up for one another. 

Show Up is actually four initiatives in one! Together with our partners, we are supporting foster children and families, helping educators gain better access to mental health resources, bolstering Special Olympics programming, and spreading the importance of community-level service.

Show Up heroes all around the state serve with us each day by doing things like:

  • Hosting events for foster families
  • Leading service projects 
  • Supporting Utah’s teachers 
  • Coaching Special Olympics Unified Sports teams

There are thousands of ways you can Show Up for those around you, and we can help your impact go even further. To join our team of Utahns who Show Up, visit ShowUpUtah.org


Whether you’re a business owner, a stay-at-home-mom, a student, or all of the above, First Lady Abby Cox hopes you will join her and Show Up for Utah! I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.