Speaking on Business: Smart Rain

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. Water is the lifeblood of the West and protecting this resource, while saving companies money, is the key focus of Smart Rain – a Utah-based company focused on ending overwatering on commercial properties. Rob Densley, Vice President of Sales, is here to tell us more.


Our friends at the Utah Department of Natural Resources tell us that we have never been through a drought like this before.

At Smart Rain, we recognize the problem and have our sights set on creating efficient solutions that save both water and money. By using our Smart Rain watering technology, our clients now save between 35 to 50 percent on their irrigation use. That in turn saves companies thousands of dollars each year.

As you know, approximately 70% of water used in Utah goes to landscaping alone, so even a little bit of overwatering can have a huge impact on the bottom line. Smart Rain technology shines a light on this problem and, more importantly, helps solve it.

We love being a Utah business and want to do all we can to ensure the future beauty and ecosystem of our amazing home. Check us out at SmartRain.net.


Almost 50 percent of water in the United States was wasted due to poor irrigation methods. If you want to improve your bottom line while saving water, consider calling Smart Rain today. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.