Speaking on Business: Taylormade Senior Advocacy & Consulting

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Approximately 10 million caregivers over the age of 50 still care for their parents. Not only does this impact their wallet, but also their time, loyalty and health. Taylormade Senior Advocacy and Consulting is here to help. Founder and CEO Dr. Nancy Taylor shares more.

Dr. Nancy Taylor:
As a pharmacist and independent patient advocate, I have watched the need for healthcare advocacy grow. Take for example how 70 percent of working caregivers suffer from work-related difficulties, like that work-life balance, due to the dual roles that are thrust upon them. But it’s not just the employees that experience the impact, many employers do as well.

At Taylormade Senior Advocacy and Consulting, I like to say I’m in the HOPE business. I help people find and hold on to HOPE with confidence and control through group workshops and one-on-one guidance sessions.

Our workshops are done in partnership with employers and organizations to better empower caregiver employees with solutions of HOPE. While our one-on-one guidance sessions help clients create that foundation of HOPE through the design and implementation of strategic, personalized healthcare action plans.

Start your journey with us and get your personalized healthcare action plan today.

Derek Miller:
Taylormade Senior Advocacy and Consulting is here to help you navigate the intricacies of senior healthcare. For more information, visit their website drtadvocacy.com. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.