Speaking on Business: The Great Utah ShakeOut

This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. The Wasatch Front is a great place to live, play, and work, and one of the keys to our success is preparation for major events, including disasters. Wade Matthews with the Utah Division of Emergency Management explains what you can do to get ready.


For many people in Utah, the 5.7 magnitude Magna Quake was the first large earthquake they had ever felt. Some say they didn’t know what to do when the vibrations first hit. That’s why the Utah Division of Emergency Management and its Be Ready Utah program are encouraging everyone to participate in the 10th anniversary of the Great Utah ShakeOut on April 21st.

The annual drill helps people learn and practice what to do in an earthquake.  Remember: Drop, Cover, and Hold on, meaning get underneath a desk or table and hold onto it, or kneel against a wall without any windows, mirrors, or picture frames, or if you’re in bed, place a pillow over your head until the shaking stops.

Join the 8 million participants who have drilled in the Utah ShakeOut since 2012 by registering your family, school, or business at shakeout.org/Utah.


Experts say that a massive earthquake is likely at some point in the future, and it could be among the deadliest disasters in our nation’s history, so take preparation seriously. You can look up “Utah Shake Out” to find more information. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.