Speaking on Business: The Salt Lake Tribune

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. With its first edition hitting the streets in 1871, The Salt Lake Tribune has remained dedicated to sharing stories that are engaging, impactful and inclusive, all while empowering its readers. CEO and Executive Editor, Lauren Gustus, joins us with more.

Lauren Gustus:
The Tribune’s mission is to be an essential community resource.

Five years ago, and at 150 years old, we became a nonprofit, accountable to all Utahns.

While our core mission has remained the same, we’ve adapted to better serve our community:
-By listening, before we began our reporting,
-By pointing out the problems, and
-By looking for solutions.

Our coverage now spans the entire state, and we’ve successfully returned The Tribune to profitability.

In the next year, we are working toward an important goal: raising 1 million dollars to make The Tribune free for everyone online. We believe everyone should have access to independent reporting, regardless of whether they can pay for it.

Your support is critical to providing trusted, reliable information that will shape decisions for years to come. By contributing, you help ensure that vital news is widely available. Together, we can continue to inform, inspire, and strengthen our community.

Derek Miller:
The Salt Lake Tribune delivers in-depth coverage on politics, faith, arts and sports for Salt Lake City and Utah, ensuring news remains accessible to readers across the state. To learn more, visit sltrib.com. I’m Derek Miller, with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.