Speaking on Business: United Way of Salt Lake

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Childcare is crucial to Utah’s economic success. United Way of Salt Lake Vice President of Public Policy Elizabeth Garbe shares why.

Elizabeth Garbe:

Childcare is essential for working parents in Utah. It affords them time to further their careers or education and their children a strong foundation for future learning. Breakdowns in childcare, however, are putting families behind.

We partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the Salt Lake Chamber, Utah Community Builders, and Voices for Utah Children to release a report, “Untapped Potential in Utah,” examining Utah’s childcare landscape so the business community and legislative leaders can better understand the unique needs of working parents and impact of a lack of affordable childcare.

The report estimates how often parents of young children leave the workforce or educational opportunities because of insufficient childcare. It outlines a conservative estimate of the direct financial impact the breakdowns in childcare have on Utah’s economy – a nearly $1.36 billion loss annually. While these challenges are persistent and complex, they are addressable. The business community can play a central role in developing solutions.

Derek Miller:

By continuing to listen to the needs of parents, and working to find public and private solutions, Utah will be better equipped to unlock the economic potential of our workforce. We must work together to find innovative solutions to our childcare challenges. Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.