Speaking on Business: Utah Community Builders Foundation

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. Three years ago, the Salt Lake Chamber launched the Utah Community Builders Foundation, a non-profit organization created to address critical social and community issues. Nic Dunn leads that program.


The best path out of poverty is through stable, meaningful work. Our new statewide initiative, the Opportunity Coalition, strengthens upward mobility by removing barriers to work, forging stronger social capital connections between businesses with opportunities and Utahns in poverty, and leveraging upskilling so Utahns can work toward self-sufficiency.

We believe that Utahns in poverty are ASSETS to our state, not liabilities, and that the private sector, with MANY open job opportunities, is best equipped to lead a work centered approach to upward mobility.

Utahns fighting to escape poverty understand the barriers that stand in their way, and by listening to them, we’re building best practices that all businesses can follow. Our goal is to help Utah families, and our businesses, thrive by addressing the workforce shortage and creating stronger avenues of upward mobility for everyone. Google Utah Community Builders for more information.


If your business is struggling to find workers, or if you simply care about creating better opportunities for Utahns to escape poverty, contact the Utah Community Builders at the Salt Lake Chamber. We’re here to help you succeed. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.