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Childcare Impacts on Utah’s Workforce and State Economy

New report shows childcare issues result in an estimated $1.36 billion loss annually for Utah’s economy SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – JANUARY 18, 2023 – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF), in partnership with the Salt Lake Chamber, Utah Community Builders, United Way of Salt Lake, and Voices for Utah Children, released a report, […]

Supportive Policies in the Workforce: It’s Not Just Salary That Matters

A majority of Utah parents with children under the age of 12 work full-time and believe there are a number of policies employers could offer that would support them in getting closer to their ideal balance between paid work and childcare. For employers wanting to support their employees, this article derived from a report from […]

How Supportive Employer Policies Can Attract Utah Parents to the Workforce

A majority of Utah parents with children under the age of 12 work full-time and believe there are a number of policies employers could offer that would support them in getting closer to their ideal balance between paid work and childcare. For employers wanting to support their employees, this article derived from a report from […]