Jennifer Goodwin: The Power of Raising Your Hand

In my company, we have a Women’s Field Association which allows for women in similar positions across the nation to connect, learn and share tips and tricks. In a meeting a few weeks ago, the group facilitator asked for anyone who thinks they are doing a good job to raise their hand. I was the ONLY […]

Jennifer Goodwin: Addicted to Busyness

Disclaimer from the author: I want to make sure I don’t come across as using the word addiction in a casual manner. Addiction is serious, very real and has caused turmoil in many lives. Does the following scenario sound familiar? You walk up to an acquaintance you haven’t seen for a while. “Hello!” they say, […]

Jennifer Goodwin: Hold on a Second…Am I the Only Businesswoman in the Room?

Whether it is race, age, gender, or sexual orientation, I am sure we have all experienced being an “only” in the room at one point or another. Being an “only” can be extremely anxiety-inducing or simply feeling icky. Considering we spend 40+ hours each week in the workplace, it makes sense to want to feel […]