Workforce Resilience Through Mental Fitness

Mental health has long been a vital issue that impacts all families, communities and businesses across the state. The Workforce Resilience Through Mental Fitness campaign was launched in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic impacts exacerbated an already dire situation, bringing to light the importance of the mental health of Utah’s workforce.

The ultimate goal is to provide Utah business leaders with information, tools and resources to improve the mental wellness or “mental fitness” of their employees, thus elevating the mental and emotional resilience of Utah’s workforce.

Utah Community Builders is offering three things that will help businesses create a culture of mental fitness and achieve a more resilient workforce: the Suicide Prevention in the Workforce Employer Toolkit, information provided by expert speakers through our launch event and webinars, and community resources for free or at a discount to Salt Lake Chamber members.

“This is a starting place to help our colleagues, coworkers, employees and their families who are battling mental challenges. We must all recognize the need to work on mental fitness and help others in their journey.”

- Clark Ivory, CEO of Ivory Homes and Member of the Utah Community Builder Advisory Board

Suicide Prevention in the Workforce Employer Toolkit

The workplace is a critical area to address mental health and suicide prevention. The Suicide Prevention in the Workforce Employer Toolkit was created to help business leaders become more understanding of and response to the mental health needs of their employees, as well as learn the best strategies to prevent suicide among their employees. There are also three industry-specific guides for construction, legal and hospitality.

Launch Event & Webinar Videos

Business and community leaders debuted the Workforce Resilience Through Mental Fitness campaign, with a virtual launch event that showcased expert speakers in the fields of mental health in the workplace, suicide prevention, trauma-informed leadership and the ROI of mental fitness. Afterwhich, a series of webinars was held highlighting various topics which included leading upstream, cultivating employee well-being and more.


Utah Community Builders and the Salt Lake Chamber are partnering with the following organizations to provide free or discounted resources exclusive to Chamber members as part of the Workforce Resilience through Mental Fitness campaign.

Blomquist Hale provides mental health (Employee Assistance) solutions. When companies sign up through the Chamber, the initial two months of services are provided at no cost. To get started, reach out to

Chamber members get exclusive access to free Workforce Resilience Library, mobile app, manager training and discounted rates for other resources. For more information, visit

Impact Suite offers a better approach to mental health and wellness – focusing on getting right to the root causes of mental health and addiction challenges. For all Chamber members, they are offering 50% off of Premium access to their award-winning mental health & wellness apps and 10% off of their lifestyle coaching and teletherapy services. For more information, visit

Nivanti’s #un-EAP platform provides the easiest way to understand and manage employee mental health. The app provides on-demand teletherapy and real-time employee well-being data to companies.For more information, visit

Room Here is a nonprofit organization that champions mental fitness at work. Room Here runs PHD-backed surveys for companies to gain evidence-based feedback on mental fitness, burnout and stigma towards mental illness. Room Here also provides discounted mental fitness consulting services for Chamber members to receive customized strategies to improve employee wellness. For more information, visit

RSG Performance uses practical, evidence-based methodologies to enhance the human capacity for mindfulness and leadership. We offer mental fitness training that builds greater focus and stronger resilience that primes teams and individuals to perform “in the zone.” Salt Lake Chamber members receive 50% off training and consulting services. For more information, visit

Chamber members get exclusive free access to SafeLane Health’s mental health assessment, which is a tool that helps employees measure their mental health and receive evidence-based advice on steps to improve their mental fitness. For more information, visit

Using Vibeonix increases emotional intelligence, normalizes the conversation of social-emotional learning and comprehension, and increases individuals’ self-regulation skills. When you focus on being well, your well-being increases. Salt Lake Chamber members will receive a 25% discount on services. For more information, visit