Business Watch: 2022 Legislative Updates – Week 5

As we complete week five of the legislative session, bills are moving fast through committees and onto the House and Senate floors for votes. One bill of business importance is HB 60 S2, Vaccine Passport Amendments, as it would prohibit an employer from requiring proof of immunity status in employment. After discussion in the House Business and Labor Committee, it passed with a favorable recommendation of 9-4 and now heads for a 3rd reading on the House floor.

Throughout the pandemic, Utah businesses of all sizes worked hard to stay safe while staying open, and by doing so protected their customers and saved our economy.  In relation to pandemic protocols, the Chamber supports employers’ flexibility to determine policies in the best interests of its employees and customers based on their unique situations and opposes one-size-fits-all government mandates.  What may be right for one business is not necessarily right for all businesses.

Additional bills worth highlighting are:

  • SB 182, Digital Asset Amendments, sponsored by Sen. Cullimore, has been held in the Senate Business and Labor Committee
  • HB 335, Blockchain and Digital Innovation Task Force, sponsored by Rep. Teuscher, passed the House on 3rd reading.
  • HB 280, Cybersecurity Commission, sponsored by Rep. Handy, moved to the Senate Business and Labor Committee.
  • SB 16, Licensing Amendments, sponsored by Sen. Bramble, passed the House Business and Labor Committee favorably with a vote of 10-5.
  • SB 43, Occupational and Professional Licensing Modifications, sponsored by Sen. Bramble, passed the House Business and Labor Committee with a vote of 11-4.
  • HB 151, Retail Facility Incentive Payments Amendments, sponsored by Rep. Schultz, received a favorable recommendation in Business and Labor by 11-4.
  • HB 193, Full-Day Kindergarten, sponsored by Rep. Waldrip, continues to advance as it passed out of the House Education Committee with a 12-3 vote. 
  • SB 76, Targeted Business Income Tax Credit Amendments, sponsored by Sen. McCay, narrowly passed out of the House Revenue and Taxation Committee by a 7-6 margin. 

Lastly, thank you again for everyone’s participation in the Capitol Club, where we discuss critical issues and strategize on priorities.  

We will continue to keep you informed weekly and encourage your input. Please refer to our legislative watchlist for the big picture view on the scope of our advocacy efforts on your behalf. 

Priority Votes:

During the legislative session, the Salt Lake Chamber Board of Directors designates top priorities of the business community as Priority Votes. The Chamber’s Priority Votes are considered the most critical bills during the legislative session and are used to determine the Chamber’s Business Champion Awards. Below are the most recently declared priority votes.

  • HB 35, Economic Development Modifications, Sponsored by Rep. Handy and Sen. Winterton
  • HB 130, Driver License Test Amendments, Sponsored by Rep. Bennion and Sen. Hinkins
  • HB 193, Full-Day Kindergarten, Sponsored by Rep. Waldrip
  • HB 242, Secondary Water Metering Amendments, Sponsored by Rep. Peterson and Sen. McKell
  • SB 140, Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Amendments, Sponsored by Sen. Harper and Rep. Handy