Lyndsy Blonquist: Lessons in Confidence – How My Mentee Taught Me to Be a Better Leader

Several months ago, I was given the opportunity to participate in a formal mentoring program as a mentor. Mentoring wasn’t new territory for me. Through the years I have had opportunities to mentor many employees and always enjoyed that aspect of my leadership role. In this program, mentees identified specific goals they wanted to achieve, […]
Makaila Kelso: A Girl With a Voice

While organizing my home office recently, I found a paper tucked inside a notebook — a school project about myself from when I was eight titled “Guess Who?” One section reads, “I like me because…” and in big sloppy letters hidden under red crayon I had written, “I can always reach my goals.” This discovery […]
Jennifer Goodwin: Hold on a Second…Am I the Only Businesswoman in the Room?

Whether it is race, age, gender, or sexual orientation, I am sure we have all experienced being an “only” in the room at one point or another. Being an “only” can be extremely anxiety-inducing or simply feeling icky. Considering we spend 40+ hours each week in the workplace, it makes sense to want to feel […]
Kimberly Flores: It’s Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself

A movie or television trailer is supposed to catch your attention, but this time it felt like Netflix punched me in the gut. This particular trailer wasn’t flashy or over-dramatized, it was just real and raw and it certainly poured over the insecurities I had inherited in 2020 which had overflowed into 2021. “Switching careers…in […]
Cristine Salazar: Share Your Accomplishments, Share Your Story

Have you ever been so excited about accomplishing something that you wanted to let the whole world know, YOU DID IT! But you didn’t because it felt awkward and you didn’t want to appear to be arrogant or maybe you thought they wouldn’t think your accomplishment was praiseworthy? I know I have and I am […]
Brigetta Uta’i: No More Standing on the Sidelines

I am the youngest of six children and grew up with four brothers, so sports are most definitely my love language. It doesn’t matter what the conversation topic is, I’ll more than likely make a sports comparison. Unfortunately, being a woman, I have always been acutely aware of the lack of female representation in the […]
Jennifer Seltzer Stitt: Good Change Feeds the Soul and Transforms Communities

Adaptability is a popular pandemic buzzword in a lot of offices. We’re told that the one most important – if not the most important – leadership skill is the ability to adapt. Good news, friends. By this standard, we are all leaders. I don’t know a soul who hasn’t twisted and contorted themselves during the […]
Jen Seltzer Stitt: Moving Past Imposter Syndrome

Most women I know suffer from imposter syndrome at some point in their career. We ask ourselves, “How did I end up at this meeting?” or “How did I get this speaking engagement?” There is an inescapable voice in our heads that whispers, “I don’t deserve to be here.” I know I asked myself those […]
Lori Williams: 4 Things my Grandmother Taught me that Women in the World need Today

In reviewing suggested topics from the Business Women’s Forum participants survey this year, one stood out to me: women we need in the world today. Recently, there’s been more trending in the news and media regarding equality, the wage gap and empowerment. In light of these things, I’ve been thinking about my late grandmother’s life. […]