Salt Lake Chamber Statement on the Passing of Former Mayor Ted Wilson

Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber and Downtown Alliance issued the following statement regarding the passing of former Salt Lake Mayor Ted Wilson:  “Salt Lake City lost an influential leader and a dear friend today. Mayor Ted Wilson was a dedicated individual, focused on serving his community and leading the people […]

Salt Lake Chamber and Business Leaders Preview Pivotal Statewide Vision for Utah’s Economic Future

Nearly 20 years after launching the Downtown Rising initiative in the heart of Salt Lake City, Utah’s business community has come together again to create a statewide economic vision. This vision – Utah Rising: A Free Enterprise Vision for Utah’s Economy – will be driven by proven principles while outlining opportunities for ongoing success and sustainable growth. Convened by the Salt Lake Chamber, in collaboration with the public and private sectors, Utah Rising will address critical issues with innovative and long-term economic solutions for all who call Utah home. 

Downtown Towers ‘Go Gold’ to Support Final IOC Visit

Utah business community fully supports hosting the 2034 Winter Games SALT LAKE CITY (April 8, 2024) – In anticipation of the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) visit, the business community is ready to extend a warm welcome. Scheduled for April 9-13, 2024, businesses will illuminate their premises in the hue of Olympic gold to showcase support […]

Utah’s Resilient Economy Remains Strong

The Salt Lake Chamber, in partnership with the University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute, has released the February 2024 Roadmap to Prosperity Economic Dashboard to inform business leaders’ understanding of Utah’s economy. This tool prioritizes key data on the state’s economic outlook and actionable context for decision-makers. “While national and state consumer sentiment […]

Utah’s Economy Remarkably Resilient in 2023

The Salt Lake Chamber, in partnership with the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute at the University of Utah, has released the December 2023 Roadmap to Prosperity Economic Dashboard to support business leaders’ understanding of Utah’s economy. This tool prioritizes key data on the state’s economic status and provides actionable context for decision-makers. “As we conclude […]

Clark D. Ivory to Be Honored as 45th Giant in our City

Today, the Salt Lake Chamber announced that Clark D. Ivory, CEO of Ivory Homes, will be honored as the 45th Giant in our City. The award recognizes those with exceptional and distinguished service, as well as extraordinary professional achievement, and is widely known as the most prestigious business award given in Utah. “As a business […]

Salt Lake Chamber Announces 2024 Legislative Priorities at Utah Economic Outlook & Public Policy Summit

Today, the Salt Lake Chamber hosted the annual Utah Economic Outlook & Public Policy Summit with the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute to release its 2024 legislative priorities. The Chamber identified several priorities for public policy, chief among them being affordable housing, homelessness, water infrastructure and conservation, and workforce development. “As industries rise and fall, […]

Salt Lake Chamber Statement on the Cox-Henderson FY2025 Budget Proposal

Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber and Downtown Alliance, issued the following statement regarding Governor Spencer J. Cox’s fiscal year 2025 budget proposal: “Utah’s economic success is a testament to our collective commitment to innovation, collaboration and prosperity. Over the years, our state has frequently been ranked among the nation’s leaders […]

Salt Lake Chamber Congratulates Mayor Erin Mendenhall

Derek Miller, president and CEO of the Salt Lake Chamber and Downtown Alliance, congratulates Mayor Erin Mendenhall on her re-election as Salt Lake City’s mayor. The Chamber looks forward to continuing collaboration with the incumbent administration on behalf of the business community – the backbone to a strong economy and quality of life for Utah […]