Speaking on Business: Gold Cross Ambulance

This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. As the state’s largest and oldest private ambulance provider, Gold Cross Ambulance was founded in 1968 with the vision of providing quality medical care to everyone regardless of race, creed, color, religion or the ability to pay. President, Mike Moffitt, joins us with more.

Mike Moffitt:
Gold Cross Ambulance has been a leader in emergency medical services across Utah for over five decades. With a fleet of specialized vehicles and a state-of-the-art communications center, Gold Cross serves Salt Lake, Utah, Iron, Washington, and Uintah counties.

Our services include paramedic care, neonatal and bariatric transport, critical care, mass casualty response, basic life support, and event standby services. Gold Cross is uniquely equipped to respond to emergencies anywhere in Utah, with resources like disaster relief trailers and ATVs designed to access remote areas.

Unlike municipal emergency services, Gold Cross operates as a user-funded service, without government funding. Our rates are regulated by the state of Utah, and we work closely with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure quality care and emergency service access for all.

At Gold Cross we consistently surpass state and local regulations to provide the highest level of care.

Discover more about our services at GoldCrossServices.com.

Derek Miller:
Gold Cross Ambulance is dedicated to making its emergency services among the best in the nation, earning national accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services, placing the company in the top one percent of ambulance services in the country. I’m Derek Miller with the Salt Lake Chamber, Speaking on Business.