14 09, 2022

Nancy Pearce: Reclaiming and Redefining our Power

By |2023-06-28T14:52:15-06:00September 14th, 2022|Blog, Business Women's Forum, Guest|0 Comments

Several months ago, I had a service visit from my boss, the Regional Manager, and his boss to observe the standards of services of my team. The two started their observation with our morning huddle, which I, as the store manager, was responsible for facilitating. I began our team meeting by welcoming everyone, introducing our [...]

17 08, 2022

Lori B. Williams: Four Tips on Deeper Connections at Work 

By |2023-06-28T14:55:18-06:00August 17th, 2022|Blog, Business Women's Forum, Guest|0 Comments

Connections and relationships have shifted the past few years. It’s become more apparent how human interactions and relationships are more important than ever in this ever-changing uncertain world, specifically coming out of a pandemic. Some people need less and some need more human interaction, but we all need it. Building and having intentional workplace interactions [...]

18 05, 2022

Cidne Christensen: What Happened When I Stopped Being Passive

By |2023-06-28T14:59:17-06:00May 18th, 2022|Blog, Business Women's Forum, Guest|0 Comments

As the great resignation continues, there have become more and more options for workers when it comes to making a career change. With the move to remote work since the pandemic and a national unemployment level just north of 3%, workers are not tied down to jobs that are commuting distance from their homes. Where [...]

16 03, 2022

Makaila Kelso: A Girl With a Voice

By |2023-06-28T15:03:45-06:00March 16th, 2022|Blog, Business Women's Forum, Guest|0 Comments

While organizing my home office recently, I found a paper tucked inside a notebook — a school project about myself from when I was eight titled “Guess Who?” One section reads, “I like me because…” and in big sloppy letters hidden under red crayon I had written, “I can always reach my goals.” This discovery [...]

9 02, 2022

Jennifer Goodwin: Hold on a Second…Am I the Only Businesswoman in the Room?

By |2023-06-22T15:32:54-06:00February 9th, 2022|Blog, Business Women's Forum, Guest|0 Comments

Whether it is race, age, gender, or sexual orientation, I am sure we have all experienced being an "only" in the room at one point or another. Being an "only" can be extremely anxiety-inducing or simply feeling icky. Considering we spend 40+ hours each week in the workplace, it makes sense to want to feel [...]

19 01, 2022

Kimberly Flores: It’s Never Too Late to Reinvent Yourself

By |2023-06-22T15:33:02-06:00January 19th, 2022|Blog, Business Women's Forum, Guest|0 Comments

A movie or television trailer is supposed to catch your attention, but this time it felt like Netflix punched me in the gut. This particular trailer wasn’t flashy or over-dramatized, it was just real and raw and it certainly poured over the insecurities I had inherited in 2020 which had overflowed into 2021.  “Switching careers…in [...]

3 12, 2021

Cristine Salazar: Share Your Accomplishments, Share Your Story

By |2023-06-22T15:33:13-06:00December 3rd, 2021|Blog, Business Women's Forum, Guest|0 Comments

Have you ever been so excited about accomplishing something that you wanted to let the whole world know, YOU DID IT! But you didn’t because it felt awkward and you didn’t want to appear to be arrogant or maybe you thought they wouldn’t think your accomplishment was praiseworthy? I know I have and I am [...]

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