Wasatch Security Awareness: A Small Business Solution for Cyber Security

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses make up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses. What’s more, Utah has been credited as the most pro-small business state in America, thanks to our state’s pro-business initiatives and support systems. Each month, the Salt Lake Chamber will highlight a small business in Utah to emphasize its […]

Lennie Knowlton Encourages Business Women’s Forum to Lead with Connection

Leadership is a skill — a necessary skill to have in the workforce, but one that can be difficult to nurture. According to Lennie Knowlton, CHMC, CDWF, a key element of effective leadership is connection, which is why she founded Project Connection, an non-profit mental health agency that focuses on connection in order to improve […]

The Work Activity Center’s Spring Fling Gala

The Work Activity Center is seeking sponsors for the Spring Fling Gala on March 1. All proceeds from the Spring Fling Gala will go towards establishing a foundation grant system to help fund people that can’t access state funding to get the services they need. Services include a community day program, residential services including apartments, […]

Proximity: The Small Business Campaign Solution

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses make up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses. What’s more, Utah has been credited as the most pro-small business state in America, thanks to our state’s pro-business initiatives and support systems. Each month, the Salt Lake Chamber will highlight a small business in Utah to emphasize its […]

President’s Message: New Year, New Utah

Happy New Year! The countdown, fireworks and celebrations not only mark the start of a new year but also symbolize fresh beginnings, endless possibilities and exciting prospects. Much like turning the page of a beloved book, in this new year, Utah will continue the strides made in the past chapter. And I am enthusiastic about […]

BW Productions: A Small Business Telling Big Stories

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses make up 99.9% of all U.S. businesses. What’s more, Utah has been credited as the most pro-small business state in America, thanks to our state’s pro-business initiatives and support systems. Each month, the Salt Lake Chamber will highlight a small business in Utah to emphasize its […]

Salt Lake City Ranked #1 for Ease of Doing Business in North America

Salt Lake City is the top city in North America for ease of doing business, according to a report by Arizona State University. The Doing Business in North America report, released by ASU’s Center for the Study for Economic Liberty takes an in-depth look at regulations that enhance or restrain business activity and provide insight […]