Lyndsy Blonquist: Resilience – The Psychological Muscle You Never Knew You Needed

Resilience. The word sounds positive, powerful and strong. For me, as a feeling, the word ‘resilience’ brings to mind visions of a warm summer day and the sensation when you point your face toward the sun and feel that perfect warmth of contentment. That’s what resilience feels like to me. As I face change and […]
Jennifer Seltzer Stitt: Communities Rise Together

When the plane bounced around during our approach to Kahului Airport late Monday night, we weren’t terribly concerned. Landing in Maui is a well-known windy and wild ride. My family had been talking about, planning, and saving for a trip to Hawaii for years. We were excited, exhausted, and oblivious to the weather. We had […]
Jennifer Seltzer Stitt: Something Stronger than ‘Fine’

I recently attended a meeting with a group of good people, many of whom I had not seen in person for a long time. In fact, it was the first time this particular group had gathered around a table in nearly two years. As each person joined the group, they were inevitably greeted with warmth […]
State of Good Podcast: Family Friendly Work Goes Beyond Child Care

Businesses are scrambling to find talent, just as parents are seeking a new normal for work/family balance. On this episode, we discuss how new approaches to family friendly workplaces can address both of these concerns at the same time.