Lorena Martinez: Why Is It So Difficult to Make Time for Ourselves?

Imagine you have an afternoon off, and you can sit down and enjoy a show on Netflix. You sit down and put on a show, sit back, and relax… or so you think. Quickly, questions begin to arise in your head such as, “Should I start on the laundry?” “Are the dishes done?” “What am […]
Leslie Titus Bryant: Why Are You Afraid To Ask Why?

In a conference room filled with your 9-to-5 colleagues, have you ever felt unheard, out of place, unimportant, or uncomfortable asserting yourself? Do you ever feel like support and respect are one-way streets not often headed your way? Have you ever felt unsure of what you actually deserve, then start questioning your ability or value? […]
Jennifer Goodwin: All You Need is Love

The Beatles’ famous song, “All You Need is Love,” constantly plays in my head. I even have a tattoo of the words on my left arm. I always thought that phrase had an all-encompassing meaning when it comes to the love we all deserve and the love we provide. I feel I have an abundance […]
Nancy Pearce: Reclaiming and Redefining our Power

Several months ago, I had a service visit from my boss, the Regional Manager, and his boss to observe the standards of services of my team. The two started their observation with our morning huddle, which I, as the store manager, was responsible for facilitating. I began our team meeting by welcoming everyone, introducing our […]
Lori B. Williams: Four Tips on Deeper Connections at Work
Connections and relationships have shifted the past few years. It’s become more apparent how human interactions and relationships are more important than ever in this ever-changing uncertain world, specifically coming out of a pandemic. Some people need less and some need more human interaction, but we all need it. Building and having intentional workplace interactions […]
Jennifer Seltzer Stitt: Something Stronger than ‘Fine’

I recently attended a meeting with a group of good people, many of whom I had not seen in person for a long time. In fact, it was the first time this particular group had gathered around a table in nearly two years. As each person joined the group, they were inevitably greeted with warmth […]
Brigetta Uta’i: The Independent Military Spouse

I have always been someone that wanted to have a career of my own. In 2018, I was a newlywed, recently graduated from graduate school, and working for my hometown in my field of study. That was until my husband, who had just been commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Army, was notified that […]
Cidne Christensen: What Happened When I Stopped Being Passive
As the great resignation continues, there have become more and more options for workers when it comes to making a career change. With the move to remote work since the pandemic and a national unemployment level just north of 3%, workers are not tied down to jobs that are commuting distance from their homes. Where […]
Lyndsy Blonquist: Lessons in Confidence – How My Mentee Taught Me to Be a Better Leader

Several months ago, I was given the opportunity to participate in a formal mentoring program as a mentor. Mentoring wasn’t new territory for me. Through the years I have had opportunities to mentor many employees and always enjoyed that aspect of my leadership role. In this program, mentees identified specific goals they wanted to achieve, […]
Makaila Kelso: A Girl With a Voice

While organizing my home office recently, I found a paper tucked inside a notebook — a school project about myself from when I was eight titled “Guess Who?” One section reads, “I like me because…” and in big sloppy letters hidden under red crayon I had written, “I can always reach my goals.” This discovery […]