Cristine Salazar: Why You Should Be Kind To People

A couple of weeks ago, I came across an illustration on social media titled “Why you should be kind to people.” The picture showed a circle with a small dot inside of it. The circle was labeled “Someone’s life”. On the outside, it stated, “This is what you know about it” and an arrow pointed […]
First Lady Abby Cox Encourages Business Women’s Forum to ‘Show Up’

On May 23, 2023, the Salt Lake Chamber’s Business Women’s Forum heard from First Lady Abby Cox at their bimonthly networking luncheon. The event, titled “Building the Future Workforce of Utah – How Community Leaders and Changemakers Can Make a Difference,” focused on the importance of fostering growth, empathy and community among the younger generations […]
Lorena Martinez: The Importance of One-on-Ones

Congratulations, you are now a manager! You have now acquired a team you are responsible for — great! Now what? What does it entail to have your own team? There is training involved, of course, but once that is done, do you just manage them, and that’s it? No. As a manager or a leader, […]
Jennifer Goodwin: Addicted to Busyness

Disclaimer from the author: I want to make sure I don’t come across as using the word addiction in a casual manner. Addiction is serious, very real and has caused turmoil in many lives. Does the following scenario sound familiar? You walk up to an acquaintance you haven’t seen for a while. “Hello!” they say, […]
Lori B. Williams: How to Un-Volunteer

The need to take on more work, volunteering to do “extra credit homework” projects and being “busy” is often praised as a good thing and a status symbol. However, it isn’t always a good thing for our work and productivity, along with our overall health. According to research, “multitasking reduces productivity by as much as […]
Kimberly Flores: 4 Steps to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams

Your brain can process up to 70,000 thoughts per day. Those thoughts, feelings and emotions can actually affect your physical world. Whether or not you’re aware of it, you’re always manifesting. Remember that day you woke up in a bad mood, then you stubbed your toe on the bedpost, and later on your way to […]
Kat Kaddas: Making Magic Happen – How Disney’s Policies Translate to the Workplace

What comes to mind when you hear the word “Disney?” For some, the word brings back childhood memories of watching animated movies and singing along to the catchy songs. A few may think about Walt, the trailblazing man behind it all. Others may look at it as an entertainment business behemoth with numerous properties and […]
Lorena Martinez: Why Is It So Difficult to Make Time for Ourselves?

Imagine you have an afternoon off, and you can sit down and enjoy a show on Netflix. You sit down and put on a show, sit back, and relax… or so you think. Quickly, questions begin to arise in your head such as, “Should I start on the laundry?” “Are the dishes done?” “What am […]
Leslie Titus Bryant: Why Are You Afraid To Ask Why?

In a conference room filled with your 9-to-5 colleagues, have you ever felt unheard, out of place, unimportant, or uncomfortable asserting yourself? Do you ever feel like support and respect are one-way streets not often headed your way? Have you ever felt unsure of what you actually deserve, then start questioning your ability or value? […]
Jennifer Goodwin: All You Need is Love

The Beatles’ famous song, “All You Need is Love,” constantly plays in my head. I even have a tattoo of the words on my left arm. I always thought that phrase had an all-encompassing meaning when it comes to the love we all deserve and the love we provide. I feel I have an abundance […]