Speaking on Business: Utah System of Higher Education

The Salt Lake Chamber · Speaking on Business: Utah System of Higher Education This is Derek Miller Speaking on Business. Education is vital to our state’s future, and the Utah System of Higher Education is focused on ensuring that everyone succeeds, including our state’s growing diverse populations. Here’s Laís Martinez, Assistant Commissioner for Equity, Diversity, […]
Substitute Teacher–Business Connection Information Session

The Substitute Teacher—Business Connection, a new initiative of the Salt Lake Chamber, was created to encourage Utah businesses to help address the substitute shortage facing our state. Many school districts are struggling to find the substitute teachers necessary, and many employers have a workforce available to assist. To help facilitate this, the Chamber is partnering […]
Keys to Success: A Creative Solution to Workforce Development & Educational Pathways

Utilized by more than 80,000 students and Utah residents, the Keys to Success app serves as Utah’s leading college and career readiness resource. Through partnerships with the Department of Workforce Services, the Utah System of Higher Education, and local industry, Keys to Success creates a communal platform for both students and organizations to participate in […]